Coach Position LTT AJNI EXP 11201
*Disclaimer: Information displayed is only indicative and based on past occurrence. For latest updates check Railway enquiry.
Coach position of a train means the sequence number of a train coach from the engine. Knowing coach position in advance helps you position yourself at the right place on railway platform. You can check train coach position at Zoop quickly. Just enter the train name or number in the box below to see the results. You can also order food for your train journey online by following the link here.
LTT AJNI EXP 11201 Details
LTT AJNI EXP train 11201, has a total of 23 coaches which consists of 6 Sleeper Non-AC coaches, 0 Third AC, 3 Second AC, 3 First AC, 0 Chair Car, 0 Executive Car
Train LTT AJNI EXP with number 11201 runs from Lokmanyatilak T (LTT) at 04:40 PM on MON day(s) of the week and reaches Ajni (AJNI) at 02:15 PM while covering a distance of 1016 Kms at an average speed of 26 km/hr and consists of 23 coaches.
LTT AJNI EXP / 11201 train has stoppages at 26 stations with an average halt time of 5 minutes where maximum and minimum halttime ranges from 30 minutes and 10 minutes respectively at different stations.
You can now also order food for your train journey in LTT AJNI EXP / 11201 at 12 stations namely Aurangabad, Nasik Road, Badnera Jn, Manmad Jn, Akola Jn, Kalyan Jn, Wardha Jn, Ajni, Lokmanyatilak T, Igatpuri, Pulgaon Jn, Parbhani Jn through some of the popular restaurants empaneled withZoop which is IRCTC’s authorized online food aggregator.To order, please click here Order food in Train 11201 LTT AJNI EXP
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