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Have you ever been on an Indian train journey? Some people think they are the best way to travel because there are no highways with their busy traffic and hassle, and no one is in charge of you. But it doesn’t always turn out that way. Fortunately for everyone, this article has some great tips that will help make your trip on an Indian Railways a memorable one!

How to Use Rail PNR to Search for a Journey

Indian Railways is one of the largest modes of transport in India, carrying over twenty million passengers every day. The rail system has many different types of tickets. You can also purchase your tickets online, but if that’s not an option for you, there are some other ways to search for a journey on Indian Railways

Types of Passes Available

There are many types of passes available that will help you to get more out of your Indian Railways experience. You can also buy a single ticket, but if you want to travel as much as possible during your visit then a pass is definitely what you should opt for.

Tips to Carry on and Avoid Baggage Costs

Many travellers are surprised by the baggage costs incurred by their travels. There is no need to be nervous. Here are some easy tips that will help you avoid baggage costs during your next long- distance trip in India:

Tips on Where to Sit

Indian Railways are the cheapest and most comfortable way to travel, but there is always that one person who will sit in front of you. Here are a few tips on how to avoid that large, annoying person from sitting in your seat for hours.

Tips on Taxis and Vitastas

There are a few things to keep in mind when traveling by train in India. The first is that most stations have a taxi stand nearby. These taxis are plentiful and easy to flag down. They usually have someone waiting with a flag or board with your name on it so they know to take you to the right destination. Be sure to only ride taxis marked with green or red triangles, as these are all official taxis that can take you to your final destination and back again.


Indian Railways are known for their punctuality and convenience. They have a daily average of over 30 million boardings making them the highest in the world. The journey is easy because there are many options of trains to choose from. There are also different types of tickets available according to the time, distance, and destination.

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