Order Food in BANKA RJPB EXP 13241

Services for this train are currently closed.

Order food in train BANKA RJPB EXP 13241 online for your journey in few simple steps. You will get delivery on train right at your seat. Please note steps to book your food order for BANKA RJPB EXP:-

  1. Visit Zoop Website or download the Zoop Android App or iOS App
  2. Select ‘Train Name / No.’ from the displayed options to search restaurants,
  3. Enter train name 'BANKA RJPB EXP' or train number '13241' in the search box,
  4. Pick restaurant from the list displayed,
  5. Create your order from menu items shown,
  6. Apply discount codes from the available offers,
  7. Choose to pay online or cash on delivery,
  8. Your order will be delivered on your seat when the train arrives at the chosen railway station in your journey.

Train BANKA RJPB EXP with number 13241 runs from at . It runs on day(s) of the week and reaches at . Total distance covered by BANKA RJPB EXP is Kms with an average speed of km/hr. It has coaches. BANKA RJPB EXP 13241 has stoppages at stations with an average halt time of minutes per railway station. The maximum halt time of this train is at with minutes and minimum halt with minutes at railway station.

FAQ on Train food delivery in BANKA RJPB EXP 13241 of online orders

Q1. How to book food in train BANKA RJPB EXP 13241 online?

You can book food on BANKA RJPB EXP 13241 train online at Zoop Website or Zoop Android App or iOS App for railway food orders.

Q2. How to book online railway food order in BANKA RJPB EXP 13241 train?

Ordering online railway food for journey in BANKA RJPB EXP train online is extremely easy. Kindly follow below mentioned steps to order tasty, hygienic, and affordable food for delivery on your train berth or seat: -
  1. Visit Page www.zoopindia.com/order-food-in-BANKA RJPB EXP-13241,
  2. Choose your favourite restaurant from the list displayed,
  3. Select menu items from the chosen restaurant’s menu shown,
  4. Share your PNR and passenger contact details,
  5. You can pay cash on delivery or even upfront online,
  6. You would receive your order on your seat when the train arrives at the desired railway station.

Q3. How to order train food delivery for BANKA RJPB EXP 13241 in IRCTC e-Catering ‘Food on Track’ App?

Please note steps to order train food delivery in BANKA RJPB EXP 13241 online on e-Catering ‘Food on Track’ App: -
  1. Enter PNR or Train Name 'BANKA RJPB EXP' or Number '13241' in the search box,
  2. Look for Zoop logo in the stations available on your journey,
  3. Pick restaurants from the list displayed,
  4. Create your order from the online menu card,
  5. You can pay cash on delivery or online in advance,
  6. Get delivery on your train seat.

Q4. How to book a meal order in train 13241 BANKA RJPB EXP on call?

Please call at +91 801080 2222 to book a meal in 13241 BANKA RJPB EXP train on call.

Q5. Can we pay online for food order in train BANKA RJPB EXP train 13241?

Yes, you can pay online safely with convenience from various mediums like Debit / Credit Card, eWallets, Net Banking etc to pay food in BANKA RJPB EXP train 13241 orders online.

Q6. How to order food for groups in BANKA RJPB EXP 13241 in bulk quantity online?

Please follow steps mentioned below to order bulk order for groups travelling in BANKA RJPB EXP train: -
  1. Visit https://www.zoopindia.com/group-food-order-in-train,
  2. Fill journey details in the form displayed,
  3. Share your menu preference and number of passengers,
  4. You will receive customized menu options as per your interest,
  5. Apply available discounts and offers from the chosen restaurant,
  6. You will get delivery in BANKA RJPB EXP train coach at desired station.
You can also call at +91 8010802222 or visit www.zoopindia.com/order-food-in-BANKA RJPB EXP-13241 to place bulk food order for groups in BANKA RJPB EXP 13241.

Q7. How to do IRCTC e-catering vendor registration for food delivery in BANKA RJPB EXP train

Restaurant or kitchen owners can visit https://www.zoopindia.com/register-restaurant-for-food-in-train to register as food vendor for IRCTC e-Catering in BANKA RJPB EXP 13241. You can also call at +91 8010802222 for tie-up and listing on Zoop. Post approval you will also get listed on IRCTC official ‘Food on Track’ App and website.

Q8. How to get Jain Food Delivery in train BANKA RJPB EXP 13241?

You can visit Zoop Website and click on Jain Food on the top right. Thereafter simply type BANKA RJPB EXP or 13241 in the search box to order jain food in train BANKA RJPB EXP 13241.

Q9. How to book WhatsApp food order in train BANKA RJPB EXP 13241?

IRCTC allows passengers to book train food orders on Zoop WhatsApp number 7042062070 for deliveries in BANKA RJPB EXP 13241.