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LTT DURONTO SPL 02294 Time-Table

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SrStation NameArr.Dept.HaltDayDist. Kms
1Prayagraj Junction18:1018:1000:0010
4Itarsi Jn03:2503:3500:102611
5Bhusaval Jn07:5508:0000:052918
6Lokmanyatilak T14:4014:4000:0021342

*Disclaimer: Information displayed is only indicative and based on past occurrence. For latest updates check Railway enquiry.

Train time-table shows the complete train schedule. It tells you arrival, departure, and halt time at each station of a train route. Number of stoppages of a train are also shown when you check train time-table.

LTT DURONTO SPL 02294 Details

LTT DURONTO SPL train 02294, has a total of 0 coaches which consists of 0 Sleeper Non-AC coaches, 0 Third AC, 0 Second AC, 0 First AC, 0 Chair Car, 0 Executive Car

Train LTT DURONTO SPL with number 02294 runs from Prayagraj Junction (PRYJ) at 06:10 PM on FRI day(s) of the week and reaches Lokmanyatilak T (LTT) at 02:40 PM while covering a distance of 1342 Kms at an average speed of 6 km/hr and consists of 0 coaches.

LTT DURONTO SPL / 02294 train has stoppages at 6 stations with an average halt time of 5 minutes where maximum and minimum halt time ranges from 30 minutes and 10 minutes respectively at different stations.

You can now also order food for your train journey in LTT DURONTO SPL / 02294 at 6 stations namely Bhusaval Jn, Jabalpur, Satna, Itarsi Jn, Prayagraj Junction, Lokmanyatilak T through some of the popular restaurants empaneled with Zoop which is IRCTC’s authorized online food aggregator. To order, please click here Order food in Train 02294 LTT DURONTO SPL